Our Q-Control enables efficient management of queues, so customers are served quickly and staff can operate efficiently. It is simple to add extra positions to fit your requirements.
Orderly queuing maximizes throughput and promotes customer satisfaction by providing customers with both audio and visual direction to the next available position. This ensures customers with visual impairment and/or hearing loss can receive clear instructions and are not excluded.
The modular system is simple to install and extremely easy for staff to use. Cabling can be concealed within counter frames for a neat appearance.
• 2 position standard base model, expandable to over 40 positions
• Cat6 cable communication between units
• Inbuilt male and female voice options for individual service positions
• Self-monitoring system – the Control Hub/Junction Boxes automatically detect faults
The Control Hub is the Q-Control’s system interface module, controlling all components of the system.
The Main Display of the Q-Control is located at the head of the queue. It informs customers when a service position becomes available.
The Mouse Controller is the Q-Controls’ interface device used by staff at service positions.
The Service Display is installed above every service position connected to a Q-Control system. It shows customers the number of the available service position.
The Junction Box provides additional connections in a Q-Control system when more than two service positions are used.
The PS-60 Power Supply is a Level VI power supply for use with V12a Hearing Loop Driver, HLD5 Hearing Loop Driver and HLD7 Hearing Loop Driver.
Visit our Hearing Loop Hub to see how hearing loops work, what different types of loops can do for your business, the latest information on legislations and standards, and frequently asked questions.